Galaxy Online II Wiki

Heat Diffusion Shield Attributes

Module Name Max # of Modules Installation Slots icon Volume He3ResourceIconHe3 Use MetalResourceIconMetal Cost He3ResourceIcon He3 Cost GoldResourceIconGold Cost
Heat Diffusion Shield-I Heat Diffusion Shield icon None 18 0.06 18 10 13
Heat Diffusion Shield-II Heat Diffusion Shield icon None 19 0.06 20 11 15
Heat Diffusion Shield-III Heat Diffusion Shield icon None 20 0.06 23 15 19

Heat Diffusion Shield Benefits

Module Name Shield Increase Add Shield Effectiveness Damage Reduced Kinetic Damage Reduced Heat Damage Reduced Magnetic Damage Reduced Explosive Damage Reduced Shield Restoration (Per Round)
Heat Diffusion Shield-I Heat Diffusion Shield icon +50 None -15 None -30 None None None
Heat Diffusion Shield-II Heat Diffusion Shield icon +70 None -20 None -35 None None None
Heat Diffusion Shield-III Heat Diffusion Shield icon +90 None -25 None -40 None None None

Blueprint Information

Module Blueprint Name Source HP Honor Points Prerequisites to use
Heat Diffusion Shield Heat Diffusion Shield icon Instance 5 n/a
Defense Module
Structure Modules

Atomic Framework  · Ship Reinforcement Facility  · Gravity Maint Facility  · Hull Maintenance Mechanic  · Quick Reaction Armor  · Reflective Plating  · Energy Armor  · Daedalus Control System  · Armstrong Radion Armor  · Copernicus Gyroscope  · Icarus Control System  · Drexler Ratchet  · Tensor Armor  · Hybrid Defense System

Shield Modules

Orbital Shield  · Energy Shield Booster  · Particle Stun Shield  · Heat Diffusion Shield  · Space-Time Magnetic Shield  · Detonator Shield  · Shield Regenerator  · Eos Phase Shift Shield  · Sagan Kinetics Shield  · Sagan Heat Shield  · Sagan Magnetic Shield  · Sagan Anti-Explosive Shield  · Hertz Regenerator  · Jack-O-Lantern  · Tyson Kinetic Shield  · Tyson Heat Shield  · Tyson Magnetic Shield  · Tyson Anti-Explosion Shield  · Twilight Armor  · Zeroth Accelerator

Air Defense Modules

Anti-Aircraft Cannon  · Missile Interception  · Fighter Interception Cabin  · Powered Pulse Cannon  · Extreme Counterattack  · Aldrin Particle Cannon  · Iron Veil
